The latest survey findings on the ethics of high school students from the Ethics of American Youth Survey by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, a non-profit based in Los Angeles have been released. The Institute has surveyed teens on conduct and behavior every two years since 1992. This year's study surveyed 43,321 teens ages 15 to 18, from 78 public and 22 private schools.
The findings:
•60% of students said they had "cheated on a test," and 34% did so twice or more. Students at non-religious private schools cited the lowest percentage (33%) while 56% at religious schools said they cheated.
•27% of students said they "stole something from a store.
The results demonstrate a modest improvement over the 2008 study findings, where 64% of students admitted to cheating on a test, and 30% admitted to stealing from a store. Of those students who admitted cheating on tests twice or more, the figure was unchanged from 2008.
Source: USA Today